Saturday, September 25, 2010

Well here is my 2nd attmept to keeping a blog

So you would think I'd be better at this kind of stuff, but I'm not so we shall see how it turns out. First is Kevins House/School. Him and his family are currently living in the Gymnasium. Haven't you always wanted to live in a gym? Well I don't think anyone that knows Kevin and Brittany are the least bit surprised. They are fixing up the school to move into, but it may take a while.

Next we have adorable little Lincoln (Scott and Mindy's kid) playing the guitar with that cheesy smile.
The last one is just the temple!


  1. FINALLY!!! Now there will be no need for me to call you, I can just check your blog to find out what's going on in life. Alright, I know, it's not like I was good at calling you anyways. =) Cute pics!

  2. Yay! I love when you update, even if it is once a year ;). You're so cute and wonderful and I'm happy to see pictures and read a little about what you're up to.

  3. Alright Tara, are you ready to make a 3rd attempt?
